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Page Menu / 2024-08-28 / Count: 42

1. February 20, 6 years before the Republic of China

(Approved school)

2. October 28, 6 years before the Republic of China

(The founding school is called Liujia Public School and the school site is located behind the Liujia Mazu Temple)

3. April 1, 1 year before the Republic of China

(Move to current location)

4. August 7, Republic of China

(Neizhuang branch campus)

5. April 1, Republic of China 2

(Set up Guantian branch school)

6. April 1, Republic of China 6

(Neizhuang branch school is independent as Neizhuang Public School)

7. April 1, Republic of China

(Guantian branch school is independent as Guantian public school)

8. April 1, Republic of China 8

(Set up Linfengying Branch Teaching Field)

9. April 1, 2013

(Set up Lake East Campus)

10. April 1, 2014

(Set up Daqiu branch)

11.April 1, 30th

(Renamed as Rokko Nangong School)

12. November 26, Republic of China 34

(The name of the province’s Guangfu school was changed to Liujia Township No. 1 National School)

13. February 1, 2005

(Hudong Branch is independent as Hudong Public School)

14.April 1, 2015

(Linfeng Branch Teaching Center is independent as Linfeng Public School)

15. October 25, 2005

(Daegu Branch Teaching Center became the fourth national school of Liujia Township)

16. February 36 of the Republic of China

(The school name was changed to Liujia National School, Liujia Township, Tainan County)

17. August 1, Republic of China 46

(Approval to set up kindergartens)

18.August 1, 2005

(The school name was changed to Liujia Elementary School, Liujia Township, Tainan County)

19. October 1, 1971

(Approval to set up enlightenment classes)

20. August 1, 2006

(Daqiu Elementary School changed to Daqiu branch of the school)

21. August 1, 1983

(Daegu branch school changed to Daegu branch)

22. August 1, 1984

(Approval to set up night make-up school)

23. August 1, 1988

(Daegu disbanded)

24. August 1, 1991

(Hudong Elementary School was changed to Hudong Branch of the school)